Weah Applauds Turkiye On National Day By: Julius Konton


President George Manneh Weah has sent a Congratulatory Message to the President of the Republic of Turkiye, Reccep Tayyip Erdogan on the occasion marking the celebration of Turkiye’s National Day, on October 29, 2023.  According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Weah, on behalf of the Government and people of the Republic of Liberia and in his own name, extended sincere felicitations to President Erdogan, and through him, to the Government and people of the Republic of Turkiye.  As Turkiye marks its centenary, the Liberian leader lauded his counterpart for his esteemed stewardship, which has culminated into his country being an important global player for peace and development.  President Weah further expressed his gratitude for the heightened cooperation that continues to subsist between the two countries and peoples, leading to the mutually beneficial joint ventures in business and investments.

He then conveyed his best wishes for President Erdogan personal well-being and for the people of the Republic of Turkiye, continued peace, and prosperity.

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