Weah Shakes Grand Bassa County By: Julius Konton


One of the claimed political strongholds of the opposition, Grand Bassa County was on Friday, September 1, 2023,  numerically captured in a smoky faction by the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change .

Grand Bassa County is one of the politically tense counties with huge numerical advantage.

The county, according to the National Elections Commission, has a final registered voting population of 158, 463 with 405 polling places across the five electoral districts.

The Land of Hospitality on Friday witnessed the arrival of Coalition for Democratic Change nationwide campaign tour led by its standard Bearer George Weah.


To the amazement of the opposition, citizens of Grand Bassa County from the five electoral districts turned out in their overwhelming mass to show support to the ruling establishment in what many described as a tumultuous welcome.

So far, many considered the turnout by the people of Grand Bassa County as the highest since the commencement of the CDC Campaign tour outside of Montserrado County.

The county now has its immediate past and youngest superintendent in its history , Janjay Beikpeh as a senatorial candidate, something many termed as an added boost for the much anticipated first round victory of the CDC especially with the strong numerical advantage, the county has.

As tons of cheers, political slogans and dances characterize the welcome of President Weah and his team to the county, the incumbent commended  the people of Grand Bassa for the warm welcome accorded him.

He appreciated Bassonians for their commitment and resilience to the rebuilding process of the country.

“First time voters, some people came here and said they can rescue you but twelve years ago, they did not rescue you and will not rescue you now but remember that we are the actual rescuer”, President Weah told his people.

 The Liberian leader without hesitation following requests from the people of Grand Bassa County for the pavement of the government hospital road and electricity assured them that he will pave the road leading towards the government hospital in Buchanan City including the provision of electricity for them as the hospitable people of Grand Bassa County hailed President George Weah for responding to their old age issue which they believe is now a dream come through for them.

The Chief Executive pulling the jubilant crowd with scores of creative battle cries while outlining his achievements over the years for the people of Grand Basaa and Liberia in general stated that he Whip them before  and he will whip them again.

It can be recalled that President Weah through his wife, constructed a modern old folks home in Grand Bassa County as well as  the pavement of the Fair Ground road within the county and the electrification of the main route from Monrovia Junction to the Tubman Street,  among others.

Meanwhile, The CDC continues its campaign tour ahead of its general and national campaign launch on September 7, 2023.


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