The Consequence Of Repression: Cueing Aggrieved LEC Workers’ Protest


ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021, aggrieved workers of the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) embarrassed the general public and in a radical way, their action was a resistance to repression reportedly being meted out against them at the Corporation.

THE INCIDENT ON Wednesday was such that individual residents and public and private facilities were deliberately denied access to electricity for almost the entire day.

THE ACTION OF the disenchanted LEC workers was a drastic demonstration associated with grief they have continued to develop over time at the wrath of management, which they seem to no longer withstand.

TWO OUTSTANDING CONCERNS have come to interplay with the outburst of the dispirited workers’ protest; such as the death of their colleague who knew so much about the LEC’s operations, but said death is assumed to be based on a reported action taken against the deceased by some authorities within the system, and denying the aggrieved workers of their just wages and incentives by management for too long.

WHATEVER THE REAL story may be, there is a saying that where there is smoke, there is fire; so, under no condition that public servants, be it contractors or employees of  reputable public entities like the LEC would be overly furious to intentionally block power supply for public and private sectors as the situation unfolded on Wednesday.

IT IS OUR candid opinion that those at the helm of authority at the LEC need to be rigidly probed, taking into consideration that their accused actions against the protesting workers have brought not only an embarrassment to consumers of power supply, but also a solemn insecurity to the citizenry as well as the public and private sectors; no, this should not go sky free!

NO MATTER WHO is linked to the cause or causes of  the concerned LEC workers’ radicalism, we urgently and cautiously call on President George Manneh Weah to decisively act on findings that may derive from a probe sanctioned to get to the natty gritty of the Wednesday’s fiasco.   


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