Relocating Redlight, Gorbachop Markets Has No Better Time Than Now


ON SUNDAY, JULY 11, 2021, the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Public Works enforced a decision to relocate the much talked about Redlight and Borbachop Markets from the heart of Paynesville to the formal designated Omega premises, which is still part of Paynesville.

FOR MANY, THIS move is being long- awaited but there has often been a political interplay, probably because the market community is more political than business oriented; as people in the sector usually use their links to influence votes for or against politicians.

THE IRON LADY of politics- Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, then President of Liberia strived, persuaded and made the utmost sacrifices to get the markets removed from Redlight and Gorbachop to Omega, but the same political interplay stalled the implementation of such decision at the time.

TODAY, PRESIDENT GEORGE Manneh Weah has enforced the decision which has been greeted with both commendation and criticism coming from the public in apparent reactions to the stringency of the government on the long-resisted plan.

TO OUR MARKETERS, tough times do not last long, you will overcome the challenges associated with the relocation now and once you get adjusted, especially during the rainy season; it will all become history that once you were relocated to a new market place to continue what you know to be your area of income generation for self- sustainability.

IN FACT, GETTING you relocated during the rainy season will not only enable you know the terrain you have migrated to, but it will also prepare you to prepare for the future of your stay at Omega.

INASMUCH AS YOU tend to feel disenchanted for being relocated at this time, do not count the move negatively against the government because development normally comes with pains and agonies but the future thereafter brings smiles and joy to celebrate.  



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