Stakeholders Snub NSL Take Over Ceremony


Donors and the entire Commerce and Industry Ministry staff last Monday stayed away from the induction ceremony of the purported National Standard Laboratory Director. The ceremony was held at the entity central office in Monrovia with handful of friends, relatives and well-wishers in attendance. After waiting hours for the minister of commerce, European Union Representatives, and the incumbent director to show up for the occasion the director designate, Kansualim B Kansuah without remorse inducted himself into office. Mr. Kansuah, a businessman without formal training in running the National Laboratory told his audience that his action is based on appointment letter he allegedly received from the office of the president. European Union, the main donor to the operation of the Laboratory have earlier advised the Boakai led government not to remove the current director Stephen Yongar Mambu on ground that he is the most qualified. Based on the advised Commence and Industry Minister Amin Hadad formally forwarded the names of the incumbent director Stephan Mambu and others to the President for appointment, but Mr. Kansuah, with the help of some unscrupulous Unity Party Activists have been harassing the minister to revoke the recommendation Minister Modad on the other hand appears unwilling to brush aside donor recommendation requesting government to retain the current director of the entity considering the wide range of experience and training he has in running the agency. The current head of the entity Stephen Mambu who has Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering and Master in related subject is assisted by dedicated Micro-biologist chemist and other trained by the international standard organization to serve as Lab. Technicians. Donors believed that replacing him for political reason will grossly undermine the neutrality and independence of the agency. Investigation continues.

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