“Over 71% Of Pre-Trial Detainees Incarcerated” – LNBA Observes By: Yassah J. Wright


The Liberia National Bar Association (LNBA), President said there are over 71% of Pre-trial detainees incarcerated at the various prisons in Liberia. According to the UNDP report on Liberia, the prison population total including pre-trial detainees, 3,000 at April 2023. Cllr. Sylvester D. Rennie stated that it has been observed that most of these detainees at our various prison facilities in Liberia, are pre-trial detainees, which constitute 71% of the overall number of detainees in the country.   LNBA President Rennie revealed that they have realized that crimes are committed on a daily basis which is violations of the law.  “But when these offenders are arrested and taken to the law, in most instances, they are unable to meet the needed provisions to secure their release and are there for incarcerated. Even those who commit crimes that are non-bailable, are also incarcerated,” LNBA President Rennie noted. President Rennie indicated that it is a means of having some of our prisons decongested, the LNBA and the UNDP with funding from the International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL) signed a grant agreement for the decongestion of pretrial detainees at the Monrovia Central Prison. LNBA President added that this process is for one year, as he launched the ceremony. Cllr. Rennie also expressed gratitude to the UNDP and other international partners for this collaboration. He said the Bar also expressed thanks and appreciation to the European Union (EU), the governments of Sweden and Ireland, for providing the funds for this Project. Also speaking, the LNBA and UNDP Legal aid project promoting access to Justice, Project Manager, Cllr. Frederick L. M. Gbemie, said it is worth noting that systemic weaknesses in the justice system clearly undermines access to justice and due process. Cllr. Gbemie stated that in Liberia, Pre-trial detention is unfairly managed and notoriously lengthy with an estimated 71% of detainees subjected to extended or prolonged Pre-trial detention and even when cases go to trial, only a small number of cases are tired each year thus undermining equitable access to justice. Project Manager Gbemie stressed that these systemic weaknesses contribute to prolonged Pre-trial detention and impede access to justice. “The LNBA having reasoned that one of the best ways to address prolonged Pre-trial detention is to provide sustained pro bono legal aid services, developed a concept paper that triggered the signing of a low value grant agreement on July 25, 2024, between the UNDP and the LNBA after numerous mutual rewarding engagements,” the project manager Gbemie noted. Cllr. Gbemie stressed that the amount of the grant is one hundred twenty thousand one hundred fifty-nine dollars and seventy-seven cents (USD$ 120,159.77). He noted that the overall purpose of this grant is to reduce the number of Pre-trial detainees and improve access to justice for all Liberians. Cllr. Gbemie indicated that the goal of this project is to sensitize, encourage and promote legal protection for the vulnerable and indigent citizens through the provision of pro bono legal aid services for the most egregious cases by members of the LNBA as an alternate condition for renewal of practicing licenses.

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