“A Better Liberia Is Possible If…” District Ten Representative Candidate Asserts By: Julius Konton


Montserrado County District Ten Representative Candidate, Solomon Watkins, said a better Liberia is possible once key sectors of the country are practically prioritized by duty bearers.

He named Health, Education, Agriculture and Youth Empowerment as key areas that more investment and attention needs to be placed on in order to help improve the living standard of the people.

Under health and education, he said an improved education and health facilities will be done through his adequate lobbying power in the House of Representatives, if elected.

Regarding agriculture, he said food security through farmers’ empowerment is key to change the narratives for the country.

As part of his plans for  the district, if elected, he promised to introduce a bill code name the Equality Bill.

The Bill, he stated, seeks to set a population benchmark where the people will adequately benefit from their natural resources through equitable distribution from the national cake, the national budget.

Watkins, at the same time, cautioned public officials to prioritize and empower public facilities instead of seeking treatment and educational empowerment abroad.

According to him, if public officials curtail or abandon seeking basic social services abroad, it will help in strengthening public health and educational infrastructures, including curtailing corruption.

 Unlike before, he stated that current government officials attended public schools and others sought health care  in Liberia but now it is the opposite, something he noted needs to be reintroduced in order to strengthen and empower all public related facilities.

“Seeking health care abroad is cost intensive as such, I call on all public officials to desist from such,” he re-emphasized.

Meanwhile, the District Number Ten Representative hopeful encouraged his people to elect a lawmaker who will be accountable to them and will effectively advocate for them especially in their interest.

District Ten, he disclosed, has  serious issues, stressing that  said issues can only be addressed if they vote into power an individual who is knowledgeable about the issues and can make things happen for them.

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