US35M Budget Shortfall?


Amidst the widely published and exciting news of the LRA exceeding its revenue target of 568.2 million by collecting 572.6 million at the end of October, 2024, a gigantic decline in revenue collection has been reported in a highly confidential presentation on Year-to-date collection as @ December 27, 2024 that according to credible sources  The presentation shows that the Department of Customs has over performed by collecting 213,687 (104%) Millions against the Year-to-Date Recast Budget Projection (December 27, 2024) of 204,953 Millions while Domestic Tax Department has underperformed by collecting 449,561 Million against the Year-to-Date recast budget projection (December 27, 2024) of 485,907. The Department of Customs has a positive year-to-date variance of 8,734 million while Domestic Tax Department has negative year-to-date variance of 36,346 million. However, there is a concern as whether the LRA will meet the revenue target in the 2024 recast budget of 738,860, considering that the entity has collected 703,248 million as at December 27, 2024. Courtesy:f Nyantee Genero Samuel Togba

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