Supreme Court Decides Scott, Others’ Fate Today By: Yassah J Wright

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A decision whether the Supreme Court might set aside conviction and life sentence imposed by Criminal Court ‘A’ Judge Roosevelt Z. Willie, in 2023 against former Chief Justice Gloria Musu-Scott and three family members is expected to be delivered today. In the meeting held by the Supreme Court with other international partners yesterday, August 27, 2024, according to  sources, all those attending that meeting  agreed to free former Chief Justice Scott and three of her family members because they claimed that the factual evidence was not shown that they were the cause of Charloe Musu death. If justices were to follow the pattern of questioning of the prosecutors during the final argument of the defense appeal against the conviction, it means that the former chief justice and the three others convicts will be acquittal today. However, the line of questioning does not establish or determine the outcome of the justices’ decision.  The four were convicted in December 2023 for the stabbing death of Musu-Scott’s niece, Charloe Musu. They were also found guilty of conspiracy and making false statements to law enforcement. However, during oral arguments, the justices were concerned about the prosecution’s evidence to link each of the defendant to the murder weapon. They were also concerned if all of the defendants used the same knife to stab Charloe Musu, one of the key evidences relied on for the conviction.   Chief Justice Sie-A-NyeneYuoh, actually wanted to know when she asked,” Did all of them take turns stabbing Charloe Musu?”   With these concerns raised by the justices, the prosecutors could not directly answer the questions. Instead, Cllr. Bobby Livingstone said, the prosecution relied on “circumstantial evidence” due to the defendant’s inability to identify the killer. “The government lawyer basically said ‘since they can’t prove who did it, we hold them all liable,’” stated another lawyer. From the questioning one can see which direction the justices judgment will go. Accordingly, International Forensic Pathologist and Lawyer, identified as Dr. Mathura I. Okaye, based in the United States of America, testified in the case involving former Chief Justice Gloria Musu-Scott, murder trial that a male finger nails profile appeared in the left hand of the late Charloe Musu, nothing that he could not identify the man in question.  Dr. Okaye said that the swab or blood spatter from the window of the guest window, there is no major DNA Profile identify.He stated that the swab of blood spatter from Gloria Musu-Scott bedroom on the bed sheets, all show these DNA Profile of Charloe Musu. During the cross examination, Dr. Okaye stressed that upon the late Charloe Musu Profile was consistent with all these, there is complete exclusion of Gloria Musu-Scott, Gertrude Newton, Alice Johnson and Rebecca Youdeh Wisner, those DNA Profile that is consistent with Charloe Musu because they got the DNA, blood sample from Alice Johnson, Gloria Musu-Scott and these was compared with the blood spatter they got from the floor, the blood spatter in the hallway, in the children room, in Gloria room and in the bathroom.  The Forensic Pathologist noted he and his team compared them with the finger nails clipping from Charloe Musu, the only foreign DNA Profile is that of a minor contributor by a male in the finger nails Profile of the late Charloe Musu left hand.  Dr. Okaye revealed that they have YSTR that they can use to match any suspect if even on animals who were at the scene that night and they can be able to get a match. “From what we saw, there is a male who made have been more likely the intruder or evader of the house, who cause the injury or death of the late Charloe Musu,” Dr. Okaye noted.  Dr. Okaye said the percentage confidence is more than 99% and 1 out of a billion, the use of YSTR DNA amplification and PCR, is that even if the suspect does not volunteer to give his specimen, his father or grandfather or male cousins can also be linked with the YSTR DNA Profile.  He revealed that the toxicology report on this case is not contributory, there is no toxicology cause of death, there is not drug overdose or toxicity that would have killed the deceased according to the toxicologist report.  Dr. Okaye started that referring to the DNA report in the first autopsy stating that there were no Y chromosome identify when the DNA analysis was done that everything was female and there was no male identified, that is not actually DNA analysis, adding that is what they called chromosome koriopiate. The American based Pathologist said no one can do Koriopiate of a nuclear of  chromes to know whether somebody is a male or female, it is use in paternity testing and to know whether there is deceased of individual. “It can only show you whether it is the female or male, the next step we want to use is DNA analysis, that is you get the DNA molecular from the gene, you extract it, you replicate it, you then amplified it with what we call polymerase chains reaction” Dr. Okaye said.  He pointed out they used PCR in order to get the analysis, if they used chromosome charisia type, they will not arrived at the inclusion of a male being a minor contributor with the left hand of the deceased.  However, the Chief Pathologist of the Republic of Liberia, Dr. Benedict B. Koule, stated that the American based Pathologist, Dr. Mathau I. Okaye, autopsies report is very erroneous.  Dr. Koule said that Dr. Okaye has the callous intent to introduce element of double in the initial true autopsy that was conducted by him. Liberia Pathologist noted that they indicated that the cause of death was hypovolemic shock due to multiple stabbed injuries and there were massive loss of blood in the chest.”If you look at the conjunctiva of Charloe Musu at autopsy, you can clearly see that she is not just severely pure but she is paper white, to perform an autopsy and DNA analysis and come out with a conclusion that a killer is muscular represents a falsification of facts, science and unimaginable dimensions, ” Dr. Koule stressed.  Dr. Koule stated that the representation of Dr. Okaye is false, misleading and represents misrepresentation of the facts, on the left tights, there is a deep laceration caused by a sharp knife or sharp edge and is moving from the inner part of the tight to the outer part of the tight.  The Pathologist revealed that from the inner part of the tight and the outer part of the tight and is tilted towards the head slightly, and it is clear not a blunt force injury, it is an injury like the one before it cause by a sharp edge, most likely a knife testified to by one of the suspects in person of Getrude Newton.  Dr. Koule said Dr. Okaye represents a gross distort of the facts, it lacks specific, it cannot be measured, it is vague and is designed to mislead the audience adding that medical certainly is measured in terms of probability and that probability which is the chances that an event will occur has to be clearly stated. “If I toss a pad, there is a 50% chance that either the head on the coin or the back will show up and that has to be stated, when we treat sick people with terminal sickness,we give the probability of survivor,” Dr. Koule noted. Liberia Pathologist stated that Dr. Koule conclusion is based on the wrong promise and is therefore false, it was not scientifically possible for him to use findings from the crime scene to conclude that a male intruder entered the house.  Dr. Koule stressed that the DNA samples that he took from the house could not isolate any male DNA, it does not in any way means that no male entered that promise and the presence of DNA from the suspect at the crime scene does not in any way implicate them into the crime from the scientific point of view because the suspect lived in the said home. Dr. Koule noted that he used DNA analysis from spatter pattern in the house to exclude the suspect that also is erroneous and it represents a misrepresentation of science and the facts.  “We are all aware that of the four suspect, only one suspect in the person of Getrude Newton is said to have bled from a minor cut on the skin, it is therefore wrong to take blood sample that are clearly not belonging to the suspect to analyze them and arrive at a conclusion because their DNA was in that blood, they are excluded from the crime” Dr. Koule revealed.  He said the absent of their DNA in that blood spatter does not in any way exclude them from the crime, in as much as the presence of their DNA on the crime scene does not implicate them because their DNA is in that house because they live there and do everything there, so their DNA will not be excluded.  Dr. Koule noted that the DNA evidence provided by Dr. Okaye clearly indicated that there were artifact by the +++ along the line representing yardin also known as the Y chromosome, so the issue of contamination arose on the findings of Dr. Koule.  Dr. Koule said Dr. Okaye standing before the court is a renowned Pathologist with more than ten years of evidence, “If you a car that is sixty years old, the one that is five years old, which one perform better”. “My brain is younger, it is sharp, as a Pathologist, I have over the years used my knowledge to provide facts that successfully led to the adjudication of cases ” Dr. Koule said. He stated that Dr. Okaye has used his knowledge for example to perform several autopsies, at least four in Liberia, which he testified to in this Court, one of those autopsies involving 13 years old Angel Togba who was living with her guardian Han William and his girlfriend, they were in jail after little Angel died. Dr. Koule revealed that while Han and his girlfriend was in custody, it was Dr. Okaye who flew in the Country, two years after the death of that little Angel and performed an autopsy on the decade remains of Angel and declared that he did not find anything. He said on that basis, the suspect were living, the analogy between these two cases cannot be over emphasized. “You are aware that deceased CharloeMusu is not a biological daughter of these suspects so that is Dr. Okaye, ” Dr. Koule noted. Dr. Koule pointed out that Dr. Okaye when the late Harry Greaves was invited one evening to R.L.J Hotel, he drove himself to the hotel and he was called for a meeting, he arrived at R.L.J. hotel around 10:00pm in the night and when he entered that hotel, well and alive, he varnished. “His body was found later on the beach and Dr. Okaye showed up again in a very critical stage, concluded an autopsy and said that Harry Greaves died of drowning, that is the track record of this Nigerian Pathologist Dr. Okaye,” Dr. Koule stressed Play.

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