No Stone Remains Unturned, IF WCC Established


THE QUEST FOR social justice in Liberia is again on the screenshot, hoping it captures enemies of progress whose only language well spoken and understood is injustice.

HAVING COME OF record age, Liberia should now set examples to follow in the 21st Century and beyond, doing those things required of a sovereign and independent country that operates on international standards.

IT IS NO secret that injustice reached its peak in the land during a remarkably terrifying period of civil war when the rule of law was no longer practiced except kangaroo courts that operated at the will and pleasure of those to whom gun controlled power belonged at the time.

INASMUCH AS FORMER warlords and their high commands were in total control of the horrific situation we found ourselves in the past; there were equally economic vampires who exploited the situation due to where they were pretty seated to loot our natural resources to build their futures and the futures of their siblings.

EVEN AS THE war ended and civilian governments have been elected in Liberia, we still experience with disdain and discomfort, the actions and inactions of Liberians who have used the same kind of attitude to siphon state resources and vanish the country to live in foreign land to enjoy the stolen resources while the country bleeds and its citizenry languish in abject power.

NOW THAT THE campaign of justice against impunity is widening its scope to bring to books perpetrators of whatever crimes committed, be it against humanity or otherwise, we urge those pursuing the objectives of the campaign to remain resolute by doing the right and honest thing in the supreme interest of the Liberian people.

IN A NUTSHELL, we pray and hope that no stone should be left unturned, if there must be a War and Economic Crimes Court established in Liberia to prosecute those identified to bear the greatest responsibility of crimes committed against the state and its people. 


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