Oh, Amazing Woman Poem By: Moncio Robert Wilmot Kpadeh (Sage)

Oh, Amazing Woman
By: Moncio Robert Wilmot Kpadeh (Sage)
Oh, amazing woman, your beauty compares to the awesome Lily of the Valley and your gleaming smiles softly charm the dread of a roaring lion;
Oh, amazing woman you are meek and generous, compassionate and forgiving, sweet and adoring, and ready and willing to nurse the wounds of the weary and despair;
Oh, amazing woman you are adorned in heart, merciful in spirit, but a fierce and beastly warrior in disguise. May no one cause your anger to roar, for the consequences can be dire;
Oh, amazing woman, you graciously, gently, and unrelentingly carry the world on your kind and willing shoulders, absorbing and enduring the shocks, trials, and tribulations of this cumbersome and wicked earth;
Oh, amazing woman you bedazzled the world with your magnificent peculiarities. How you weather the storm when others are panicking, maintain a calm spirit in difficult and devastating conditions, smiling in pains, tolerant to those who hurt you, and your unyielding patience, no doubt set you apart as the most indispensable creature on the face of the earth;
Oh, amazing woman, you are powerful and wonderful than you can realize, a queen phenomenally made, a leader extraordinaire and endowed with a myriad of intriguing skills, an epitome of peace, the one whose benevolence has no boundary, and the one without whom the world would be a chaotic place;
Oh, amazing woman, thank you for giving birth to the world children, some of whom have invented aircraft, ships, automobiles, satellites, telephones, computers, light bulbs, juggled the galaxy, gone to the moon and back, and many more extraordinarily dazzling inventions performed by some of your children. How blessed is thou womb, amazing woman;
Oh, amazing woman, is there a man on earth you have not breastfed, carried on your tender back, rocked in warmed arms, and coaxed to sleep with a sweet story or a moving rendition of a song?; I know not one.;
Oh, amazing woman, the world loves you endlessly, we honor your modesty, salute your daring and heroic courage, celebrate your womanhood, and owe you externally a depth of gratitude;
Oh, amazing woman, you are larger than life. Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do for the world. May you take your well-deserved bow. We thank God for gifting you to us, amazing woman. What will we do without you? For We can’t imagine a world without you.
Well done, amazing woman, well done!


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