Mismanagement, Potential Fraud Hit LLA By: Yassah J Wright


Investigation has exposed serious lapses in financial management, procurement irregularities, and potential misappropriation of public funds resulting from sale or lease of Government Land or Public Land, at the Liberia Land Authority (LLA) between 2021 and 2023. The investigation has uncovered glaring violations of Liberia’s Public Procurement and Concessions Act (PPC Act) and Public Financial Management (PFM) laws, raising concerns about how public resources are being handled within the LLA. One of the most alarming issues is the leasing of the 40 acres of the highly restricted and historical Hotel Africa Conference Center in Virginia, Montserrado County for 90 years to Sea View Golf Course. The investigation established no evidence of a bidding process initiated for the leasing of the government land to Sea View Golf Course. The Development Grant Deed issued to Sea View Golf Course was authorized by just one signatory, Atty. Adams Manobah, Chairman, Liberia Land Authority (LLA), which blatantly violated the Land Right Regulations, particularly Article 55 (b), which states, “The sale and long-term lease of Government land or public land shall be through a public competitive bidding process by the relevant government agency authorized to manage Government land or public land and in accordance with the public procurement law or any successor legislation.” Article 55 (c) also says, “Before the sale or lease of government or public land is final, the sale must be reviewed by the government entity responsible for coordinating the management of government and public land.” In an interview with Chairman Manobah, he confirmed that he leased the government property to Sea View Golf Course for 90 years. “What else Liberia wants is not development?” Manobah asked if the government received any payment from Oniyama, Manobah again replied in the negative.”The government did not receive any payment from Oniyama because he leased it for development purposes.” According to him, the only thing by him was to issue a Development Grant Deed to guaranteeing the leased. This paper reliably be informed that Sea View Golf Course paid US$$150,000 for the lease arrangement. The claim, Manobah denied when he was asked for comment on the allegations; adding, “Go and look at the deed if any payment is made will be reflected on it.” The failure to follow procurement laws and ensure transparency in the land sector raises serious concerns about governance at the LLA. Besides, a copy of the Sea View Golf Course Development Grant Deed obtained by this paper observed to be signed exclusively by the Chairman.

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