LRA CG Applauds Swedish Tax Agency -For Forging Strategic Partnership


Commissioner General Thomas Doe Nah has lauded the strategic partnership between the Swedish Tax Agency (STA) and the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA).

The STA has been collaborating with the LRA since 2019, focusing on enhancing the LRA’s human resources department, strengthening compliance risk management, and improving taxpayer services and communication processes.

Commissioner General Nah, while addressing a recent study tour mission to Sweden, expressed his satisfaction with the partnership, stating, that the LRA is pleased with the collaboration and expressed confidence that it will go a long way in strengthening internal processes of the Authority. “We believe it will significantly enhance our ability to recruit qualified staff, raise awareness about taxation, improve communication, and ultimately improve revenue growth,” CG Nah said.

Katrin Westling Palm, Commissioner General of the Swedish Tax Agency, reaffirmed the STA’s commitment to working closely with the LRA in contributing to Liberi’s development.

In addition to previous missions, the STA recently hosted two separate delegations from the LRA on study and experience-sharing tours.

These delegations comprised members from the LRA’s Taxpayers Services Division, Human Resources Department, Risk Management and Compliance Division, and Communications Section.

The primary objectives of these engagements were to gain experiences from STA on how to promote tax compliance, enhance the taxpayer experience, and raise awareness with the ultimate goal of increasing revenue and fostering a seamless and digital tax-paying culture.

The ultimate aim of this partnership is to bolster domestic resource mobilization, thereby contributing to Liberia’s development.

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