Labor Minister Addresses National Employment Steering Committee


The Minister of Labour, Cllr. Cooper W. Kruah, Sr. said in order to minimize the large number of unemployment, employment must be prioritized for all segments of the population, especially the youths. He said at the moment, a large percentage of the unemployed falls within the web of informal employment, characterized by insecurity, low income, poverty and deprivation of basic needs. Minister Kruah made these statements at the first stakeholders meeting of the National Employment Steering Committee, held at the Ministry of Labour in Monrovia.  The Labour Minister indicated that transforming the informal sector to formality and creating employment for new entrants into the labour market will require the interplay of all actors, given prevailing situation.  “In so doing, a tripartite approach involving government, private sector and donor institutions is important since employment is cross cutting in all sectors,” Minister Kruah stressed. He told participants at the occasion that the Ministry of Labour inputs to the “ARREST Agenda”, underline the need to review and revalidate the National Employment Policy with foremost employment strategy designed by Government, private and donor institutions to address the acute unemployment situations in Liberia. Minister Kruah said revising the policy under this new political dispensation with necessary support from stakeholders will enhance employment creation across the county.  He then emphasized employment promotion as one of the main objectives of the Ministry of Labour; as such, it is important that the goal is fully implemented to enhance productivity of the ministry. According to organizers of the meeting, the outcome will be used to re-establish the National Employment Council which is the highest decision making body on employment in Liberia; re-establish the Technical Committee which involves representatives of focal persons of line Ministries and agencies; Re-establish the Secretariat; and Establish the way forward in rolling-out the New Employment Policy and Action Plan. The meeting was attended by representatives of line ministries and agencies, as well as partners.

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