G/K Development Superintendent Warns Against Discriminating Nimba Kwado


Amidst claims and counter claims that the settler communities in Grand Kru County did not cast their ballots for a son of the southeastern region, President George Weah, Standard Bearer of the Coalition for Democratic Change, rather, they did it for the Boakai – Koung Unity Party. Since the end of the  October 10, 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections, the settler community in Grand Kru County has been sharply criticized and discriminated against for throwing their political support to the Unity Party,  against  the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change CDC. The settler communities,  especially with alleged eyebrows being raised against the Nimba Kwado due to the huge population of Nimbians throughout Grand Kru for supporting  Boakai over Weah. Some inhabitants of Grand Kru claimed that the over twenty four thousand votes obtained by the CDC presidential candidate attributed it to the Nimba Community inability to vote for Weah.The total registrants in Grand Kru are 42,000 while the database of NimbaKwado has recorded more than ten thousand of their citizens residing within the southeastern county of Grand Kru. It can be recalled in recent days,  Grand Kru related social media groups, particular Whatsapp,   Nimba citizens have been described by a Kru man  identified as Barnna Nabge as Killers and ungrateful people, threatening that if the Nimba Citizens do  not vote for President George Weah in the runoff election,  they  should be made to leave Grand Kru and vacate all the gold mining camps as well.  His statement was made in Grand Kru Matters, a social media platform that hosts the bulk of the county’s citizens and key decision makers.  Some Nimbians have disclosed that the unpatriotic statements are motivating them to make a wise political decision during the runoff election. Some Nimba citizens in the county’s capital Barclayville City, have frowned at the continuous statements made against them, adding the statements are anti –democratic and further called on their kinsmen to take the remarks against Nimba Kwado serious.  They intoned that the statements made by a few handfuls of Grand Kru citizens cannot be attributed to the entire citizenry of the county.

The alleged discrimination meted against the settler’s community, especially Namibians, is seriously creating panic amongst the Nimba Community and has reportedly claimed the attention of the county’s Assistant Superintendent for Development Joe Sekpeh. According to him, the communities that the opposition received less votes,   will be reached for a consultative dialogue. Sekpeh said they are now in the best position to convince people in the different communities where the votes came from in Grand Kru County. The county’s CDC Executive is urging inhabitants to desist from discriminating against the Nimba Kwado and believed those from the Nimba community are Liberians and immensely contributing to Grand Kru county development agendas. Meanwhile, Superintendent Sekpeh said they still count on the Kpelle and Nimba communities for President Weah in the runoff elections. He stressed that the alleged statements are totally discriminatory and the county authority and legislative caucus are not in support of such utterances by some citizens in the County.Grand  Source: Kru  TV  News

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