Boakai Commended For Fighting Against Drugs


As operation to rid Liberia of dangerous narcotic substances enters its third Month, a vocal female advocate has hailed the government of President Joseph Boakai for making the fight a national priority. Senator Daba Varpilah said wide scale drug consumption and abuse among young people is throwing the future of our young generation into jeopardy, if nothing is done to curtail it The Grand Cape Mount Senator warned that there is a need to bring the ugly scenario to an end and save the country from future embarrassments. She said drug addiction among the youth is growing at an alarming rate with children as young as ten becoming drug dealers or addicted to harmful substances. Senator Daba Varpilah stressed that the battle can won against those bend on distributing and trafficking of narcotic substances into the country, if the people stand together in their opposition to the use of drug in their country. Speaking to this paper at her Capitol building office in Monrovia this week, the female Senator stressed the need for the involvement of parents, communities’ leaders and the general public in the war against what she called grave national pandemic Senator Varpilah maintained that with the commitment of the people and the law on their side the fight against those linked to the unscrupulous trade will be won with ease. She said the fight against drugs requires the participation of all Liberians and should not be left with government and its agencies alone.

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