MOVEE Sets Up Grievance, Ethics Committee -To Investigate Sunday’s Incident By: Julius Konton


The opposition Movement for Economic Empowerment has set up a five- man Grievance and Ethics Committee in keeping with the party’s Constitution to investigate the Sunday’s Incident. It can be recalled that the party’s Headquarters in Paynesville on Sunday, May 5, 2024, came at a standstill when in the words of Acting Chairman Matthew Shan, some unauthorized and misguided individuals of the party invaded its premises. Expelled partisan Jeremiah Edison Paye and others allegedly invaded the MOVEE’s party headquarters in Paynesville and made statements, which Acting Chairman Shan said did not represent the views and aspirations of the National Executive Committee of the party. As a means of addressing the situation in a timely manner, the party constituted a five- man knowledgeable team to probe the manner and report to the Acting National Chairman in seven working days. Chaired by Jeremiah Karbehi, Rose Jones, Abraham Nyemah, Emmanuel Nagbe and Josiah Covid have begun their week- long investigation on May 8, 2024. According to MOVEE, those currently under investigation are Jeremiah Edison Paye- Deputy National Secretary, Augustine Nagbe, Assistant National Secretary, Irvin Cooke, Montserrado Youth Chairman and Darlington Gormie, Vice Chair for Political Affairs, National Youth League of the Party, respectively.  The Party encouraged those concerned to submit themselves to the Ad-Hoc Grievance and Ethics Committee in keeping with the Constitution of the political establishment.  MOVEE also regretted the Sunday’s incident but was quick to add that calm has been restored to the party headquarters. Mr. Shan used the occasion to urge its partisans to remain peaceful, calm and to focus on the goals and vision of the party. The party, at the same time, has hailed dedicated partisans who swiftly intervened during the incident to ensure that it was brought under absolute control especially in the soonest possible time. “We recognize the efforts of the community residents and some of our partisans who came to protect their political institution, indeed, this is exactly what we call taking ownership,” the Acting National Chairman added. Mr. Shan further emphasized that MOVEE remains a formidable opposition political institution and is continuing its work and activities in the interest of the nation and its people.

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