Assistant Minister Kolleh Somersaults … Over Looting Government Office


Fellow Liberians, 24hrs ago I woke up to an unfortunate news of my office being prematurely “cleared” by my staff. The social media went gay, as news outlets shared what was considered by many as an act of bad judgment on my part. However, following an in-house investigation with my staff, I realized that my office Assistant misinterpreted my instructions to collect my “personal effects” from my office ahead of the transition period, to be everything I bought for my office use.  In view of the aforementioned, I like to apologize to the Liberian people, professional colleagues, friends, family members and loved ones for the unfortunate incident, even though all of the items in question were personally procured by me.  As a public servant, it is my responsibility to protect and defend public laws, as well as uphold the public trust at all times, regardless of the circumstances.  In this regard, I have instructed the team to return most of the items back to the office, aside from my personal effects. By 6:00 PM yesterday evening, it was confirmed that they had returned the items. Their action, I believe was due to over zealousness and inadequate knowledge about the internal procedures required in such matters. As a young man, I like to restate, reaffirm and reassure the Liberian people of my continue commitment to upholding the principles of good moral judgment in keeping with high professional standards in leu of the incident. There is no right way to do the wrong thing. Please accept my humble apologies.

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