Sierra Leone Alleged Drugs Dealer Extradited By: Yassah J Wright


The Fifth Judiciary Circuit Court of Liberia in Grand Cape Mount County has extradited the Sierra Leonean military personnel caught at the Liberia’s check point called “Tine” with twenty two (22) plastic bags of drugs to Sierra Leone to be prosecuted. The Circuit Judge assigned at the Fifth Judiciary Court, Wesseh A. Wesseh, agreed along with the County Attorneys and Interpol to transfer Officer Seryai Saffa to Sierra Leone for a speedy trial. The Interpol is an inter-governmental organization which Liberia is member of and has 196 member countries. They help police in working together to make the world a safer place. They share and access data on crimes and criminals, and offers a range of technical and operational support to member countries. Accordingly, the Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency (LDEA) head, Abraham Kromah, arrested an officer of the Sierra Leonean National Army with dangerous compressed drugs at the “Bo Water side” border between Liberia and Sierra Leone. Officer Saffa, a 47- year- old member of Sierra Leonean National Army and a resident of “Jendema” in Sierra Leone, was said to be trafficking twenty two (22) compressed plastics of marijuana and was hoping to use his military leverage to cross the border without thorough check, but to the contrary, he was checked and the drugs were found with him on the Liberian side of the border. Officer Saffa has since been processed by relevant authorities from both Liberia of the border and forwarded to their Sierra Leonean counterparts in line with existing sub- regional protocols between the two friendly nations. Moreover, Officer Saffa was seen wearing a military uniform upon his arrest.

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