Proliferation Of Drugs Decried In Grand Kru


The Paramount Chief of Kplio Chiefdom, in Grand Kru County, Toe Heah, has alarmed over the proliferation of narcotics substances within the county which he said, is leading to the escalation of criminal activities in the County. Speaking at a program marking the 177th Flag Day Celebration held at the Barclayville City Hall on Saturday, August 24, 2024, Chief Toe Heah, said the increase in the use of narcotic substances is causing a serious problem for the young people and is allegedly responsible for the high increase in criminal activities as well as other social disorders. Chief Heah wants citizens and the joint security in the county to collaborate efforts in addressing the alarming situation. Moreover, the Chief said that the fight against harmful substances across the country is not only the responsibility of the Liberia Anti-Drugs Enforcement Agency (LDEA) or other security apparatus, arguing that community dwellers also have a pivotal role to play, especially in counties that have limited number of state security. Chief Heah, launched an appeal to the National Government through the Ministry of Justice to deploy more security officers in Grand Kru County, stressing the current number of security officers in the county is low. The Traditional Leader emphasized that the harmful substances are destroying the lives of many youths and are detrimental to the County’s growth and development.

“Seriously the drugs are spoiling our children, and the Government needs to do something about it. We are not living in peace, the increase in criminal activities is the only means to support their habit,” Chief Toe said. LINA

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