Our 15th Anniversary And A Clarion Call For Peace And Unity


Our 15th Anniversary And A Clarion Call For Peace And Unity

TODAY, THE IN Profile Daily has turned 15 years in the business  of information dissemination to the public bordered on fact-finding, education, entertainment and other media-related dictates required.

FRANKLY, IT WILL be an illusion and deceit to say all has been smooth-sailing in keeping the head of the paper above the water in the face of competing priorities amongst competitors within the Liberian media landscape.

HOWEVER, WE ARE proud to still be amongst existing media outlets in the face of many challenges which have to a greater extent led to the disappearances of a number of other media entities in Liberia.

WE MUST HAIL all those who have and continue to give us the courage and support, be it moral or  otherwise to remain focused and dutiful in keeping the newspaper on the newsstand.

SO TRUE, IT remains our determination and commitment to strive for excellence even in times difficulties because we owe it to society to inform, educate and entertain the populace for the common good of all.

 WE WISH TO use this time of our 15th anniversary to assure the public of professional journalism; bearing in mind that peace and stability cannot be ignored in building a wholesome functioning society.

WITH THIS IN mind, especially at such crucial time of history making; when Liberia is tailoring a smooth transition from one regime to another, the In Profile Daily says let’s keep the peace for a better Liberia.  


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