Olives Project Identifies with Goshen & Graceland Communities Schools


More than 1000 students from several schools from the Goshen & Graceland communities along the Monrovia-Kakata Highway on Saturday, September 2nd, 2023, received school materials intended to prepare them for the academic year 2023-2024.

The school materials included copybooks, pencils, pens, book bags, erasers, toys, etc. They were donated by Olives Project International (OPI) Chairs 4Liberia Schools in collaboration with ‘Kitchen’ in Liberia, a charitable organization based in Liberia.

Students, who are expected to benefit from the gestures range from daycare to 9th grade, from Helena Nymaday Taye School, Kings Academy International, Winder Foundation, Bright Kids Learning Center, Grace Life & Christ Healing Academy. All the schools are within the Goshen & Grace Land Communities.

Madam Yongor Morris, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)  and Chair of OPl, expressed her commitment & willingness working with Kitchen in Liberia, another institution with the same objectives of helping schools & medical institutions in rural areas with academic and medical supplies.

“This is how I feel giving back to my people especially those in need,” Madam Morris siad. She further stated that her organization has been working with other institutions donating school & medical supplies in Lofa and Margibi Counties, at thw C.H. Rennie Hospital in Kakata, Margibi.

Madam Joyce Toby Morris, President for ‘Kitchen’, a charitable organization based in Liberia, expressed gratitude and willingness, working with OPI to help people in need not just schools but babies’ mothers and hospitals. Recently Kitchen distributed medical supplies to pregnant women, & baby mothers at the James Davis Hospital, on August 24, 2023, Liberia’s National Flag Day.

Helena Nymaday Taye, Proprietress, Madam Tetee Kawa Kiazolu, thanked the group for choosing her school facilities where the distribution took place,said the supply was timely, as most schools reopened by Monday, September 4. This will ease the burden of struggling parents, hoping to see others philanthropists like OPI & Kitchen to come & assist schools children.

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