MIA, LRA, Others Cited At Capitol Building
The House of Representatives- HOR, has cited authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Liberia Revenue Authority, Ministry of Transport, and Head of the Department of vital statistics responsible for Birth Certificates to clarify issues of Decentralization and Local Governance across the Country. A statement issued by the Press Bureau on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, said plenary’s decision was triggered by a communication from Maryland County District 2 Representative, Anthony F. Williams. Representative Williams alleged the continuous challenges Liberians in rural Liberia encountered in obtaining basic services such as birth certificates, driver’s licenses, passports, marriage certificates, Business Registration from the Liberia Business Registry, land deeds and payment of revenue into GOL accounts as a result of the various County Service Center not being functional. “Honorable Speaker and esteemed colleagues, it will interest you to note that the rationale behind the establishment of County Service Centers- CSCs in Liberia was multifaceted and aimed to address critical challenges related to governance, decentralization, and service accessibility,” he stated. According to him, Liberia has historically faced challenges due to a centralized governance system, which hindered popular participation and local development as a result rural residents often struggled to access essential government services. He said the National Policy on Decentralization and Local Governance (launched in 2012) and subsequent enactment of the Local Government Act (in 2018) aimed to address such issues by taking governance closer to the people in rural areas, promote citizen participation, and ensure equitable resource distribution. “The service centers offer prospects for improved governance, as they symbolize decentralization in Liberia and act as platforms for social cohesion between citizens and the government. Additionally, the center contributes to domestic resource mobilization by generating revenue. When citizens can access services conveniently, it fosters trust and engagement with the government”, the Pleebo Lawmaker averred. Meanwhile, authorities of the line Ministry and Agencies of government are expected to appear before plenary next week Thursday. At the same time, Plenary of the House of Representatives has taken decisive action to address critical national issues by summoning key government officials to provide crucial information and explanations. In response to a communication from Bong County District #3 Representative and Chairman on Rules Order and Administration, J. Marvin Cole, the House of Representatives has summoned Mr. James Dorbor Jallah, Commissioner General of the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA), the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Minister of Finance & Development Planning, Mr. Boimah Kamara, and the Managing Director of the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC), Mr. Amos Tweh, along with their principal deputies. The Liberia Revenue Authority has been requested to provide comprehensive information regarding revenue collection within the country. Similarly, the Ministry of Finance & Development Planning is called upon to furnish details regarding consolidated accounts, bank balances, and to validate any reports provided by the Liberia Revenue Authority concerning revenue collection. The communication from Representative Cole further stipulates that Minister Boimah Kamara and Managing Director Amos Tweh must also appear before the Plenary to explain any potential violations of Article 34. (D) III of the Constitution, which prohibits the raising of loans or guarantees for public institutions or authorities without legislative enactment. The summoned government entities are expected to appear before the Plenary on Thursday, June 20, to address these pressing national concerns.
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