Medtech Scientific Given 72 Hours Ultimatum By: Julius Konton


The Financial Intelligence Agency has given a 72-hour ultimatum to MedTech Scientific Ltd. to justify why the company should not be subjected to sanction based on its failure to timely comply to request emanating from the Agency. The Financial Intelligence Agency of Liberia ultimatum was contained in a warning letter issued to Medtech Scientific Ltd for the company’s failure to timely submit requested information. It can be recalled that on December 18, 2024, the FIA, for the second time, and following the company’s failure to meet the December 13, 2024, deadline, requested MedTech Scientific Ltd. to provide critical information and documentations regarding the company’s operations in Liberia, spanning January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024.   MedTech Scientific again allegedly refused to honor the January 7, 2025 deadline, as contained in the FIA’s December 18, 2024 communication to the company.  “This act is counted as a defiance and willful disregard to the statutory powers and authority of the Financial Intelligence Agency, consistent with the FIA Act of 2021.Furthermore, the FIA views MedTech’s action as a total violation of section 67.3 of the FIA Act of 2021, which empowers the Agency, among other things, to request and receive information to carry out its functions without delay”, FIA through a release blasted.

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