Liberian Film Celebrity Selected For International Category By: Julius Konton


As Liberian Film Industry struggles existing challenges from all ends, the talents of multiple actors and actresses across the country remain unmatched and exceptional In the wake of the challenging issues affecting the sector, professional and passionate characters continue to brave the storm and are making impact through their works. As evidence of their ongoing impact, a Liberian Film named and styled “Ma Etta’s Localree” has been selected for international Category for the upcoming annual Charlotte Black Film festival. The Festival expected to take place from June 13- 16, 2024 at the Hilton University Place Hotel in the United States of America will give scores of audience the opportunity to watch Ma Etta’s Localree and other incredible selected films. The Festival will also ensure that the great talents and creativity of the film-making community are celebrated to the core. As a result of their outstanding performance in the Film: Ma Etta’s Localree which was selected for the international Category, major characters and producers have been officially invited to form a part of the festival which will begin in June. The annual Charlotte Black Film festival will be a great opportunity to help showcase the work of talented Liberian movie stars and will also through their works generate excitement for their films and audience base. Ma Etta’s Localree, a Liberian Film features; Roseline Tanneh Wheeler as Ma Mary, Ojuku Kpul as Jusu, Rose Alice Ahmar as Rose, Mechisadec Kojo Wiafe as Producer and Director and Umaru O.B. Nyei as Project Manager among others.  According to a communication, major characters and producers have been invited to attend the festival and they are expected to have a firsthand experience including a representation of the international community.  The educative, informative, entertaining and mind-blowing Film which convincingly captures the attention of the global and national audiences among other things help to exposed the lies and fake behavior of some Diaspora Liberians who normally pour into Liberia during the Festive season in December.  It also tries to discourage diaspora Liberians who usually return to the Country on vacation and over look or devalue their kinsman who they meet or interact with. The Film also show case the uniqueness of Liberians home or abroad including their skills and exceptional talents and attributes among others. Meanwhile, for fourteen years, the Charlotte Black Film Festival (CBFF) will screen 100 films in-person and virtually. In addition to films this hybrid festival will produce Master classes, Workshops, Industry Networking, Fashion of Film Showcase, Actors Idol, PItchMe and the Red-Carpet Vision Awards and more. The mission among other things is to create economic empowerment for, heighten awareness of, promote the significance and need for African American cinema as an art form, and to be a voice for independent filmmakers of color. This year’s festival itinerary includes four days of educational and empowering film screenings, panel discussions, hands-on workshops, and networking opportunities. In addition, the CBFF’s prestigious Red Carpet “Vision Awards” will recognize the achievements of emerging actors, composers, screenwriters and directors.


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