House Invites Moj, MoD, Others


The House of Representatives has requested the appearances of authorities of the Ministries of Defense and Justice, Armed Forces of Liberia, Presidential Security Advisor, and Commander of the AFL at the Roberts International Airport- RIA on Thursday, July 18, 2024. The House’ Press Bureau is quoted as saying, those cited, are expected to address the reported deployment of arms officers of the AFL at the airport upon the arrival of Former Liberian President, George Manneh Weah, over the weekend. Plenary took the decision on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, based upon a communication from Montserrado County District 9 Representative, Frank Saah Foko. Representative Foko cited the huge deployment of arms personnel of the AFL in the gathering of peaceful citizens who had gone to receive former President Weah at the Roberts International Airport. “Mr. Speaker and distinguished colleagues, this very woeful scene brought to mind the fresh memory of our dark and ugly past as a country where soldiers were unlawfully deployed to defend the state against rebels. The state of the nation is peaceful and has been seen as an example of true democracy in Africa. Liberia is not at war, neither are we in the state of turmoil or in a state of emergency, which by law should not authorize the military to terrorize peaceful citizens on account that they have gone to the RIA to warmly receive their political leader,” he stated. The Montserrado County District 9 Representative said Article 85 and 86 of the Constitution of Liberia govern the deployment of the Liberian military in emergency period and therefore prohibit the use of lethal force against Liberian citizens in peacetime. Representative Foko added that the Armed Forces of Liberia in its National Defense Act of 2008, Section 2.1, mandates the army, “to defend the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of Liberia, including land, air and marine territory, against external aggressions, insurgency, terrorism, and encroachment”. According to him, the AFL shall also respond to natural disasters and engage in other civic works as may be required or deem expedient and participate in international peacekeeping, peace enforcement and others in cooperation with all international institutions of which Liberia is a member of. “Hence, it is deeply worrisome, disturbing and a matter of concern to see the military deployed at the airport when there is neither threat of external aggression nor insurgency or any state of emergency, an action that instill fear in the minds of peaceful citizens at the Airport just because they have gone to receive the former Liberian President,” he alerted. Representative Foko recounted that there was a scene created by the Executive under direct stern instruction of President Boakai depriving the former President from traveling through the VIP LOUNGE, a courtesy that should be accorded to him as a VIP and a former head of state. He claimed the reported disrespect to the former president was an issue that was raised by His Excellency, Jibrin Ibrahim Barau, First Deputy Speaker of the ECOWAS Commission at the First Ordinary Plenary in Nigeria, which is not a good example for Liberia. For his part, AFL Chief of Staff, Brigadier General, Davidson Fayiah Forleh, informed the  House of Representatives about immediate actions preceding the incident at the RIA on Saturday, July 13, 2024. The House’ Press Bureau quotes an AFL communication as saying the RIA’s security coordinator requested the AFL detachment commander at the RIA to support the airport security pending the arrival of the Liberian National Police-LNP. The communication added that the decisive intervention of the AFL detachment commander was done without informing his appropriate superior commander, who would have notified the AFL High Command.  Procedurally, this would have initiated strategic assessment and coordination with other security apparatus and civil authorities. However, the AFL said based on the circumstances, Headquarters has recalled the commander and initiated an investigation.

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