Witch Hunt Of Tenured Officials Backfires Again? By: Julius Konton


On Sunday, March 17, 2024, President Joseph Nyuma Boakai as statute,  appointed Dewitt Vonballmoos, Director General of NASSCORP as Secretary to the Board of Directors of the National Social Security and Welfare Corporation of Liberia. However, said position was on March 4, 2024  in crisis following a high power  delegation from the ruling  Party’s hierarchy to include: Rev. Luther Tarpeh, Chairman, Senator Prince Moye of Bong County, and former Chairman of the Party, now Commerce Minister, Amin Modad, all paid a visit at the facility of NASSCORP with a mandate to have Cllr. Murvie Kanneh installed into office as the new Director General of NASSCORP in an attempt  to  Dewalt Vonballmoos. Contrary to their mandate, their mission failed because the Deputy Director General, Cllr. Carmerna Cephas Yeke, a tenure Official with unexpired term, well knowledgeable about the workings and procedures informed the delegation that her boss told her that he(Vonballmoos), according to the Executive Mansion, was  still in charge as head of NASSCORP. Additionally, she told Cllr. Kanneh through her boss’ instruction to reconfirm with the Executive Mansion as his name was not published on the Executive Mansion’s website to authenticate his appointment.  In an attempt to confirm the information, Cllr. Yeke placed a call to her boss in the presence of the Unity Party’s Officials but they all allegedly refused to speak with him via telephone. The decision, according to close sources, did not go down well with other hierarchies of the Party as there have been strategies and attempts to have the Deputy Director General of NASSCORP,  Cllr.  Yeke dismissed even though she has an unexpired tenure and has not violated any law. Well, The latest appointment of Mr. Vonballmoos as Secretary to the Board of NASSCORP now exposed the  March 4, 2024 plot by senior officials of the ruling Party, including Chairman  Tarpeh to have Mr. Vonballmoos relieve of his tenured position in an illegal, amateur and witch hunt manner and form.  Up to press time, the March 4, 2024 situation has not been officially spoken about by top officials of the Party as some political pundits now view such as a confirmation of continued plan and mission by the ruling party to have all tenured Officials relieve of their positions prematurely.  As the Supreme Court has intervened temporarily into the issue of tenured positions, the inner battle to have tenured Officials relieved of their positions continues as top officials of the ruling party are resolved and unbending in their quest to have their premature and illegal mission accomplished.  Currently, there is no job security for tenured Officials as the battle appears to be long ending especially between tenured Officials and top officials of the Unity Party. However, the hope of tenured Officials who are Liberians, qualified and competent to serve their country but due to political reasons are now in hot water as only the Supreme Court can finally address and lay to rest such national issue. Meanwhile, tenured Officials at NASSCORP, The National Identification Registry, The National Lottery Authority, among others, are entities with tenured positions who are now the primary targets by the ruling establishment as recent failed attempts  are testimonies.

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