Rep. Quioh Proffers Child Right Bill


A Law making it criminal offense to use children under the age of eighteen years as workers is due to come into effect in the country shortly following the passage into Law the Act establishing the prohibition of child labor in Liberia. The Bill was forwarded to the House of Representative by Sinoe County District one Representative Professor Thomas Romeo Quioh in line with international best practice.  The Act will repealed significant portion of the Decent Work Act of 2015, and article three section eight, nine, twenty, twenty one, and twenty two of the children Law of 2011 of the Republic of Liberia. The Bill, which is in possession of this paper defined child labor as work done by a person under eighteen which deprived him of her from basic Human Right, or interferes with his education. It stressed that anyone following the passage of the Act establishing the prohibition of child labor, who employ or cause to employ a person less than eighteen years for the purpose of performing work within any part of Liberia, shall be criminally liable of an offense defined by this Act. The Act pointed out further that person guilty of an offense defined by this Act shall be punished in keeping with section 50.9 of Liberia penal code. Speaking to Reporters at his Capitol Hill office in Monrovia recently, Representative Thomas Romeo Quioh emphasized that the Act will serve as a deterrent to those bend on exploiting children for selfish reasons The Sinoe Lawmaker lamented that child abuse is becoming a common place in Liberia, and must stopped to give a better future to the younger generation.

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