In Charloe Musu Murder Trial: Supreme Court To Decide Koijee’s Fate


The Supreme Court of Liberia Chambers Justice Jamestta Howard Wolokolie is expected to decide the fate of Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Tamba Koijee and two others who defense Lawyers of former Chief Justice Gloria Musu Scott requested Criminal Court “A” to subpoena in the Charloe Musu murder case. The two others whose fate the highest court in the country are to decide are the wife of the Major’s bodyguard, Varlee Telleh and Moses Weight, one of the private security of Cllr. Gloria Musu Scott. The Liberia National Police (LNP) has said its investigation cleared the individuals of any link to the crime, after US-based Liberian human rights lawyer, Cllr. Jerome Verdier had pointed accusing finger at them. The defense lawyers also requested the court to issue a subpoena Ad testificandum to be served on orange GSM company on this number +23177142113 and easy reference, it is Samsung galaxy A53-Imei which bears certain number for easy reference and the number is 351024051489354. Charloe, Musu, the daughter of former Chief Justice Scott, was allegedly murdered in February this year at her residence in the Brewerville suburb of Monrovia. Defense Lawyers representing former Liberian Chief Justice Gloria Musu Scott and three of her family members believe that Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Koijee’s Bodyguard, Vallee Telleh has something to explain about in the murder case of Cllr. Scott’s daughter, Charloe Musu. Why Former Chief Justice Gloria Scott’s Lawyers Want Koijee’s Bodyguard Subpoenaed? – News Public Trust The defense lawyers filed a nine-count writ of Certiorari against Judge Roosevelt Z. Willie a minutes after he rejected their application for the Monrovia City mayor Jefferson Tamba Koijee to testify in the ongoing murder trial of Charloe Musu was murdered in the premises of former Chief Justice Gloria Musu Scott in late February 2023. See full text of the petition below:


PETITION AND NOW COME PETITIONERS, in the above-entitled cause of Action, Petitioning Your Honor and this Honorable Court for a Writ of Certiorari for the following factual and legal reasons as showeth to wit:  Petitioners say, the Civil Procedure Law, Section 16.21.1 provides “certiorari is a special proceedings to review and correct decision of officials, boards, or agencies acting in a judicial capacity, or to review an intermediate order or interlocutory judgment of a court”.   Petitioners say, Civil Procedure Law, Section 13.4. provides “where the person to be examined is not a party or a person who at the time of taking the deposition is an officer, director, member, or employee of a party, he shall be served with a subpoena.  Unless the court orders otherwise, such subpoena must be served at least ten days before the examination. Proof of service of a notice to take a deposition as provided in section 13.3(3) or (4) constitutes a sufficient authorization for issuance by the clerk of the court of a Subpocna for the person named or described designated books, papers, and portable things as authorized in section 13.5.” described therein and for production by them of Petitioners say, a staff of the Monrovia City Corpoation (MCC), Varlee Telleh was subpoenaed to testify to numbers submited by him to the Liberia National Police (LNP) during the criminal investigation regarding the murder of Charloe Musu.  While on the witness stand, the witness testified that the mobile number (0778)-371-222 is being used by him, and the mobile number (0776)-632-470 is registered in his name, but managed or is used by his wife.   Petitioner says based upon witness Telleh’s testimony that the mobile number (0776-632- 70 is being used hy his wife Petitioner prayed court to have the wife of witness Telleh  subpoenaed to testify to the mentioned number, and particularty to a call made cell number 112001407 between the period February 20, 2023 to Fehruary 24 2022 relationship between Mrs. Telleh and the person to whom the calls were made.  Petitioners also subpoenaed Moses Wright, one of the assigned private security at the home of Co-Defendant, Cllr. Gloria Scott on the night of February 22, 2023, the night Charloe Musu was murdered at the home of Cllr. Scott to appear and testify as a subpoena witness.    Petitioner request is predicted upon the call log submited to the Honorable Court by prosecution which shows that the number called by the number which Mr. Telleh said is being used by his wife, Mrs. Telleh also had calls and interacted with Moses Wright on February 21, 2023, the eve of the day Charloe Musu was murdered in the compound of Cllr. Gloria Musu Seott.   Petitioners subpoenaed court to have Moses Wright to testify to the calls that interacted with his number (0775)-711-210 to the number 112001407 which was also called during the period February 20, 2023 to February 24, 2023. the call log of Moses Wright submitted by respondent/prosecution showing the calls interactions between the number 112001407 and Moses Wright.  Petitioners say, the request to have the two two  witnesses subpoenaed to testify was denied by the Honorable trial court on ground that the subpoenas were not specific, and that Petitioner did not present evidence or disclose the motive. 

 Petitioners say, the Orange GSM company was also subpoenaed to produce the call logs of Moses Wright and the wife of Varlee Telleh who is believed to be the owner of mobile number (0776)-632-470 for the period February 20, 2023 to February 24, 2023. The Honorable Court also denied the application of Petitioner and says that the subpoena is not specific.   Petitioners say subpoenas were prayed for to be issued on Mayor Jefferson Tamba Koigee to testify in these proceedings. Petitioners also prayed for a subpoena duces tecum to be issued for the mobile numbers (0776)-407-969 and (0886)-407-969 owned by Mayor Jefferson Tamba Koigee and (0770)-430-291 believed to be owned by one Mohammed Keita, Petitioners say that the Honorable trial court also denied the subpoena requested by Petitioners.   Petitioners contend that denials of the subpoenas requested for by His Honor Roosevelt Z. Willie deprives Petitioners/Defendants of the opportunity to adequate representation, and the right to proffer evidence on their behalf. 10. Petitioners say a petition for a Writ of Certiorari will lie to review and correct the error made by the Respondents herein.  WHEREFORE AND VIEW OF THE FOREGOING facts and circumstances, Petitioners pray Your Honor and this Honorable Court for the issuance the writ Certiorari directing the Respondents to grant the application to have named individuals subpoena to testify, and the mentioned call logs be subpoenacd. Further, Petitioners also pray Your Honor and this Honorable Court to grant all that seem just, equitable and legal.  Respectfully submitted Petitioners’ by and thru Counsels Counscl for Petitioners  Jimmy Saah Bombo, Sr. (Cilir) Counsel for Petitioners Clir. Finley YKarngar/ Counsel for Petjtioners Cllr. Gidu Johhson-Savice Counsel for Petitioners Dated this day of December, A.D. 2023 Cllr. Augustine C. Fayiah Counsel for Petitioners Cllr. Frances Johnson Allison Counsel for Petitioners. By Garmah Never Lomo,

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