Former Chief Justice Scott Destroys Evidence? Yassah J. Wright


Liberia National Police Inspector General, Patrick Sudue,  has testified in the case of former Chief Justice Gloria Musu-Scott involving the death of Charloe Musu, indicating that Cllr. Scott destroyed evidence.  IG Sudue said the Liberia National Police received a verbal complaint from the driver of former Chief Justice Scott on the 9th of February, A.D. 2023; immediately upon the receipt of the complaint.  IG Sudue noted that the officers immediately moved unto the premises of Defendant Scott at which time they were told by the defendant that the incident of burglary  was the second occurrence that occurred at her residence. He stated that the first was on the 8th of February, the officers were told by Defendant Scott that the area in which the burglar used to intrude in her property was being repaired.  IG Sudue testified in court that when the officers asked as it relates to the vehicle that was being vandalized, Scott stated that the vehicle was being used and it had a breakdown and was parked somewhere in the yard, but according to the officers, there was no breakage, no damage to the vehicle so it was absolutely impossible to have conducted a full scale investigation when of course the alleged crimes scene was already being contaminated for the purpose of the jurors.  “Someone broke into your home and you informed the Police, you should not touch anything in that house, you should not do no repair work,” IG Sudue quoted.  The LNP head further noted that the Police in return sent investigators to reconstruct the scene and do the necessary professional work so as to get the clue as to what has happened but in this case, the alleged property that was being burglarized allegedly was already being repaired before the Police was informed.  IG Sudue said they did a risk assessment for Scott and advised her to have a private security at her residence and also electrified the back of her building because the house lying and situated on approximately one acre which is very huge and the back was also dark; based upon that, she hired a private security and also hired one of her own relatives by the name of Anthony Musu, her brother, to also form part of her own personal security at her residence.  He also noted that the Police did a follow-up and found out that she indeed did hired private security to secure her property.  The Police IG said there was not an investigative report because the alleged crime scene does suggest to them whether actually there was a crime of burglary as reported at their headquarters substation.  “You said a laptop was stolen but when we come to you, you say it has been replaced but in this case, you said the house was broken into but you repaired it, so it was difficult for the Police to conduct an investigation, ” IG Sudue concluded.

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