Wynee Cummings Wilson’s Claims Refuted By: Julius Konton


The attention of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Liberia is drawn to a video recording of Madam Wynee Cummings Wilson, former Apprentice at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Liberia to the United Nations in New York, that is making rounds on social media in which Madam Wilson claims to be an employee of the Mission. The Ministry has refuted the ‘falsehood’ that Madam  Wilson is spreading that she is an employee of the Permanent Mission and that she is being witch-hunted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of  Liberia. “The truth is, Madam Wynee Cummings Wilson was never an employee of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Liberia to the United Nations, as she wants the public to believe, instead, Madam Wilson was an “apprentice” to learn more about the United Nations System, where she desires to seek a future career according to her repeated vocal expressions,” the ministry has clarified. The ministry further indicated that the Minister of Foreign Affairs has not witch-hunted and is absolutely not in the business of witch-hunting anybody, including Madam Wilson.  The Minister of Foreign Affairs said it did not have any prior knowledge of the reported incidence at Liberia’s Permanent Mission in New York involving Madam Wilson, former Apprentice on Monday, November 6, 2023 as the Minister has been pre-occupied with intensive national and international engagements. The Ministry asserted that the Minister of Foreign Affairs has consistently maintained absolute innocence of all Madam  Wilson’s accusations, as he has described such allegations as false, misleading, politically motivated and an integral part of a long-time “Takedown Campaign” against him, sharply contrary to his longstanding hard earned reputation. Moreover, on June 7, 2023, the Department of Administration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs again informed and reminded Madam Wilson to submit all relevant documents, including,  but not limited to either United States Resident Permit, commonly referred to as Green Card or a proof of United States Citizenship to enable the Ministry to regularize her status for employment at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Liberia to the United Nations as is required for employment for all local staff at all Embassies/Foreign Missions of the Republic of Liberia around the World. The communication further informed Madam Wilson of the requirements of the host country, the United States of America, and the United Nations Protocol for registration and completion of the employment process, which includes the following: a green card or citizenship, or work authorization, the most recent I-94 record, a valid passport, and a visa, if not a United States citizen or Green Card holder, to approve an employee’s registration at the Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York, and to facilitate the issuance of an identification card, along with a complete registration with the UN Protocol and Liaison Service. The Ministry emphasized that Madam Wilson failed to submit the requested required documents up to the June 30, 2023 deadline, and even up to press time to have enabled the Ministry to regularize her status for employment at the Permanent Mission of Liberia at the United Nations in New York and registration with the host country and the United Nations in New York.  “Therefore, the Ministry is notifying you, Ms. Wynee Cummings Wilson, by this communication, that as of July 1, 2023, the Ministry would remove your name from the compensation of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Liberia to the United Nations”, a communication sent to Madam Wilson months ago from the Department of Administration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, reads. The Ministry wishes to state that at the Permanent Mission in New York, where Madam Wilson was serving as an “apprentice” , the Ministry received information that the Mission held meetings with Madam Wilson and repeatedly requested Madam Wilson to submit an application for the post she wished to occupy as well as all necessary immigration documentation in her possession to regularize her status for employment with the Mission and ensure her registration with the host country and the United Nations,” the ministry noted. The Permanent Mission, or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it is not in possession of a copy of any appointment letter addressed to Madam Wilson, noting that she is the only person at the Permanent Mission without an identification card because she has refused to submit any documentation to the Permanent Mission but rather has informed the “Mission to instruct the Ministry to employ her and not play game with her.” The Ministry of Foreign Affairs urged Madam  Wilson to focus on regularizing her immigration status in the United States of America, and obtaining other requested required documents that she has proven unable to submit, which are all necessary imperative requirements to change her status from an “apprentice” to employee at the Permanent Mission of Liberia to United Nations in New York and registration with host Country and the United Nations in New York, and desist from using the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Minister for Administration, the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Liberia, Deputy Permanent Representative of Liberia to the United Nations and any other officials for that matter, as scapegoats for her inability to submit the requested required documents.  The Ministry further wished to make it abundantly clear to Madam  Wilson that no level of scapegoating of the Minister of Foreign Affairs,  Deputy Minister for Administration, the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Liberia , Deputy Permanent Representative of Liberia to the United Nations and any other official within the framework of the Ministry for that matter, would have changed her status from an “apprentice” to an employee of the Permanent Mission of Liberia to the United Nation in New York as the only means to such a change would have been the submission  of all the requested required documents in line with policy.  Meanwhile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs further indicated that similar action was taken against other staff at the same Permanent Mission and other Foreign missions of Liberia, such as the Washington Mission, Addis Ababa Mission, and Abidjan Mission, who were in similar situation without the requested required documentation, but were very cooperative with the Ministry.

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