“I Charge You With The Great Commission Mandate” – Rev. Sackie Urges Church Workers
The ordination program of the Living Word of Jesus Christ Church International took place in the Township of Dixiville on April 14, 2024. At the mass and colorful program, the Founder and General Overseer of the church, Rev. Amos P.G. Sackie, ordained and certificated seventeen church workers in various disciplines and charged them to carry out the Great Commission mandate as Jesus Christ commanded disciples. He said even the laity is charged to encourage and spur their brethren on toward the work of ministry, and according to scripture, Rev. Sackie added, “This is one of the primary reasons of our church attendance.” Rev. Sackie stressed further, “Let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, as the manner of some bad exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the day approaching (Heb. 24:25).” He said winning souls for Christ is the heart beat of God and all that are called to service should be ready at all times and live exemplary life for others to follow. Preaching on the theme: You are anointed for Performance with text, (Matthew 28:19-20), Rev. Sackie admonished the ordained church workers that the church must send or it will end. He noted that the mission of the church is to proclaim the gospel throughout the world and make disciples of all kinds of people to serve as a community of worship and fellowship to mature believers and prepare them to perform the works of ministry and also to represent the interests of the kingdom of God in the world. Those ordained and certificated as pastors are Wisdom Amos M.A. Sackie, Maryann Taylor and Tefe Teah. Other missionaries are Esther H.D. Williams, Isetu Massaley, Gormal Kollie, Annah Harris, and Bendu Fallah. Evangelists are Tonia Massaley, George Naugo, Angeline Blamo, Veronica Zarwolo and Nina R. Bosse, and Prayer Warriors are Miatta Koffa, Theresa Wesseh, Marie Freeman and Faith Kamara. Rev. Sackie noted further that the mission of the Church is in reality, a continuation of Christ earthly ministry (John 14:12) and redeeming men’s souls was God whole purpose of coming to earth. Other purpose recording to the Liberian Clergy, he indicated, “Is to reconcile us to Himself through Jesus Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation (Cor. 5:18).” He said another important mission of the Church is by means of its ministers, pastors, evangelists, prayer worries, and missionaries to strengthen the body of believers and equip them for the works of ministry. He said there should be an atmosphere of spiritual edification, when God’s word is taught, where believers are grounded disciples and led toward maturity. Rev. Sackie climaxed his ordination message to the newly certificated and empowered members of the Living Word of Jesus Christ Church International Inc. saying, “God’s plan for each member of the body of Christ is called to serve in some aspect of ministry (Rom. 12:6, I Cor. 12:14-31).” Responding for and on behalf of the newly ordained church workers, Pastor, Wisdom Amos M.A. Sackie, said he is grateful and thankful to God for the preferment, that the good Lord will use them in their various callings to proclaim God’s Kingdom according to the preacher’s message which says, “The church must send or it will end.” He promised that he and his fellow ordained members of the church will work to the expectation of Rev. Sackie and the congregation at large. The Living Word of Jesus Christ Church International is located in Dixiville, outside Monrovia, which God is saving and healing the sick, and broken hearted.
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